- Many business owners have an agreement in place detailing what happens to their interest in the business in case they die. Often these “Buy / Sell” Agreements contain some provisions about what happens if they are disabled.
- Problems often come up because the busiess owner may not be fully aware of the disability provisions. They do not want to have to sell their interest when they still hope to return to work, or to have to wait too long to sell if they know they will never be able to come back to work.
- Additionally, most owners do not know the actual value of their business. They know what it generates for them personally, but have very little idea of what to sell it for.
- We offer a complimentary Buy / Sell review and Business Valuation. These reviews are done by attorneys and accountants. They will outline areas business owners should be concerned about in the agreement. They also provide several methods of valuing a business.
- If the business owner were to hire a company that does this, the cost would be $2,500 – $10,000. So this informal review and valuation process is an extremely valuable resource for business owners.